Leaving St Helena after a good break and numerous anchor hassles, which we ended up losing in 30m deep water, we were ready for the rest of the Atlantic. While in St Helena we had met up with a South African cruising family, aboard yacht Pasha, who were kind enough to lend us an anchor and suggested that we sailed the second leg together. It was comforting having Pasha in the distance for the first 10days, after which we lost each other in the changing winds and as they headed for Fortaleza. We carried on to Fernando de Noronha, a Brazilian island 250nm off the mainland coast where we landed safely after 14 days at sea.
The second leg went incredibly well with the temperatures heating up as each day passed and the sea water reaching 26°C as we landed. The amazing weather allowed us to get our tans on, a necessity before being able to grace any Brazilian beach. While the warm water made for some efficientbathing which entailed us jumping off deck, while still moving, and swimming for dear life to grab the ladder at the back (there was a safety line before anyone has a heart attack). I must say there is nothing quite like swimming in the middle of the Atlantic – try it if you ever have the opportunity.
With our appetites back in order with ate like kings during the entire journey. The boys caught two Dourado simultaneously and a metre long Spanish Mackerel during the trip, from which we ate a couple of amazing meals. Wil was on it with his bread making and even surprised us with some fresh scones for breakfast one morning. Ruf made us all very happy when he produced a malva pudding and Kate made us some awesome traditional “boere kos” with lamb curry, caramelised carrots and bean and potato mash…mmm, definitely one of the best meals we had. I attempted a swiss roll which resulted in a disastrous caramel sandwich cake thing – for which I will be blaming the oven.
First published on offtheline.co.za
I see this is an old post ,,but if your still posting storys i would really like to read them..stay safe.
Thank you Linda, I'm getting back into it soon! x