Porto de Galinhas

Just after we arrived in Joao Pessoa, Rufus and I left the boat to do a mini road trip along the coast. Our first stop was Porto de Galinhas, or “Port of Chickens”. We stayed for about 4 nights, which happened to be over a holiday weekend so, the place was packed with visitors from all over Brazil and, the atmosphere was incredible.

Porto de Galinhas is located in the Pernambuco state, about 60km south of Recife and has been voted “Best Brazilian Beach” for the 8th time in a row by the readers of Voyage & Tourism Brazilian magazine.

The beaches really are A.MA.ZING. and the holiday vibe is so infectious. Everything comes alive at night – the shops, restaurants, markets and of course the people. You never need to wear more than your bikini, day or night (and a lot of people don’t), and “stupidly” cold beer is never far away, no matter where you are.

There are endless activities for visitors. Ruf and I snorkelled on the reef, spent a lot of time in the sun exploring the beaches, did some window shopping and of course ate a lot of good food. The area is safe so you can relax and enjoy your holiday without having to worry about your belongings.

This was the best way to start our mini holiday and I would definitely go back for another visit.


First published on offtheline.co.za

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